Sunday, November 4, 2012

The village woman’s blog

Should I be crucified for neglecting my blog? Not at all! I should rather be praised for at least having a blog. You come to my village and ask my fellow villagers what a blog is and they will not have an idea what you are talking about. Worse even most young people in Windhoek don’t know what a blog is. They only know what sheebens and cuca shops are. For real! In fact, most of them are drinking and partying as I write this blog.

So the village woman went to America. Experience all that - while learning some new skills and knowledge in public health. This woman is now back home. Not back in her village, but she ended up in the capital city – Windhoek. Her return home was not easy. I mean who would want to move from a place where you have access to everything, to a place where access to everything is limited. But she should not complain. This is her home, and if Peace Corp volunteers can adjust to living in a village somewhere in Ovamboland, then her situation should be easy. I salute all Peace Corps guys who give up an easy life to come and volunteer for developing countries. These guys must have big hearts to want to come here. Some even chose to settle here. Why? I guess it is for the same reason why we love our country – Namibia, the land of the brave!

The village woman spent the 2 months looking for a job, attending interviews, getting offers and turning down offers.  And just like she expected, she finally found what she wanted. It wasn’t an easy process, but she is grateful to join the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

I still don’t know how to thank the American people, specific the Fulbright-PEPFAR program for the opportunity that I was give. And everyday I think of my study objectives, which were to learn more technical skills and knowledge so that I can help my country fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria! And yes I have those skills and I am more than ready to put them in action. Thank you for the opportunity – I shall treasure these memories forever!

The village woman will stop here for now. She has so much to write yet she cannot put it down. And does anyone out there read her blog at all???

If yes then thank you for your time.

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